Face,  Reviews

NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundation- Review

WOW! The name, NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundation, is a whole sentence. But the question is, does it provide a natural flawless finish and more importantly with minimal effort! Well continue reading to find out!

What encouraged me first to buy this foundation was that, one it was cruelty-free and is vegan formulated and secondly, I didn’t like how some times my forehead would go shiny so I needed a matte foundation, like this one to tame it!

What’s more is that this NYX powder is mineral enriched and aims to reduce the visible pores to create a smooth appearance. It can also be used to create a full coverage.

If you’d like to know my favourite things about this powder or how effective it is as well as any problems about it, then stay with me!NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundation

Matte or flat fail?

As I have mentioned before, the reason why I partly stole this powder, JOKING bought it, trust me I brought it, was because I needed the excess oil removed or at least decreased, mostly from my forehead.

I can tell you it did pretty well even though I only used a little to avoid irritating my drier cheek area, as my skin is combination I try to cater for both of them.

Luckily I kept it as I didn’t know I would need it in the hot summer when my forehead started to shine like never before even though I had told it not too!?

I definitely would recommend this for oily skin peeps though.

So based on this I would say that it was matte and not a flat fail! 

Can it provide a full coverage?

To be honest I used to only use it to give me a light but natural coverage to my oily area which is the forehead but a while back started to use it to cover my redness on my cheeks, to test if it does provide an effective flawless full coverage.

I was able to conceal most of my imperfections after I learnt to use the sponge instead of a brush. Silly me!

Like they say wetting the sponge a little helps make the process of achieving a full coverage easy. Whilst providing light and decent full coverage it was also blendable.

How long does it last?

Well some people say it lasts for the whole day, some say it doesn’t. Want to know which one was for me, it was more towards the second statement.

For me I had to reapply after around 3 hours or 4 but you’d have to try it for yourself to know how it works for you.

As for lastage in the sense of how much powder is loaded in the tub, I’ll discuss it up ahead.

Is it all good?

Right now for the part everyone was waiting for (not really) the downside. What I don’t and probably some other people don’t like is that it isn’t available in many shades.

There used to be around 14 shades but that has been largely reduced for some reason.NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundation

Another thing is that they don’t pack enough powder meaning it runs out quite quick (alliteration) and even quicker if you use it for a full coverage more often.

Overall, I would recommend this for those of you who have oily skin or are  mainly after a light coverage. 

Of course anyone can give it a try as this is my experience afterall everyone has different opinions!

I also like using the setting powder by nyx, when I opt for liquid foundations!

If you’d like to check out more of nyx’s products then  click here to view how the nyx setting powder performs!

Or if you are a fan of  cream to powder foundations then click here to view some cool products!

Hope you enjoyed it!

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment and I’ll get right back!

Have a great day!?

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  • Jenny Hennig

    Hi Sariyah,

    Thanks for your great review of NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundation.  Yup, that’s quite the title!  I love using powder foundation instead of liquid because I like the feel of it better and I also need to cover some shiny areas.  I haven’t tried this particular brand yet, but I really like that it is mineral-based and that it is vegan and cruelty-free, very important!

    I do like a lighter coverage, so I will give this one a try.  Also, thanks for your tip of using a wet makeup sponge when applying, I usually just apply with a brush.


    • Sariyah

      Hey jenny thanks for the stopping by!

      The damp sponge is certainly quite a helpful trick in my opinion, using a brush is still ideal for light coverage as then you can pack the right amount or have more control over how much you want to use!

  • angelce903

    Hello, thanks for your review! I must say that I’ve used this powder and I had the same feelings that you share. First of all, I didn’t have full coverage, not that I really need coverage because my skin is ok but I still want to have a smooth and uniform skin (I am black and I have parts of my face that are darker than others). Also, I was also frustrated that I had to refresh often and my nose was shining after some time! So it was quite uneasy to use but it was ok to use when I didn’t go at my workplace or at a place where I would take pictures.

    • Sariyah

      Hey angelce, I’m guessing your skin type is either oily or combination like mines judging by the same experience! The excess shine sure can get annoying especially when out and about. I find using a good matte primer underneath to help with the oil control and also using setting powder, it definitely helps!

  • Johnny

    This product is ideal for anyone with an intention to do away with an oily face, it comprises mineral-enriched ingredients capable to ensure reduction of visible pores hence leading to a better appearance, with NYX stay matte you guaranteed Professional Makeup foundation that evens your skin tone as well as covering up any imperfections and leaving behind an amazing matte that makes you stand out from the crowd, looking for color correction try this vegan formulated product and get a great finish.

    • Sariyah

      Hey Johnny, that’s right! 

      Often powder form foundations are great for oily skin as they contain excess moisture however this doesn’t mean liquid foundations aren’t great, you can get great liquid foundations created especially for oily skin peeps!

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