Right class! Today we are going to be learning about organic skincare, well more about what is organic skincare? You might have heard the word organic as you pass by on the street, maybe you see the organic sticker stamped on some products or you’re just curious. Whatever the reason you basically want to know more about organic skincare and that’s why you are here! So shall we start? (Obviously, I thought we already started) What is organic skincare? Organic skincare is basically products in the skincare category that use ingredients which are organically grown at farms (if that makes sense). But not just any old way, they have to…
What are all the different skin types! Find your skin type!
Hey everyone how have you been? Do you want to know what your skin type is and how you can tame it well then that’s the whole reason I decided to create this article on what are all the different skin types, continue on and hopefully you’ll find the answer. There are 3 main types of skin, oily, dry and combination. Knowing them or shall I say more specifically learning your skin type is important. You want to know why it’s essential, well for a start it’ll help you learn what products such as moisturiser and other facial products you should use and you’ll see the benefits of using correct…